Thursday, March 15, 2012

Static word Magic in Java

Static keyword sensation in java In Java static keyword plays major role and its the strong memory allocation. The Java provides the static as the one time initialization.It deals with memory once.
For example once the variable of class has declared as static one permanent memory will be allocated in heap memory.
Even when ever the new variable has created for the class the instance of the class will be same.
So its called as one time initialization.
Static can be used in Method, Class, Variable.
Lets see the difference of static class and static variable and static methods.
One the static class declared we can access the class using its name without creating the instance of the class because it has one time initialization.
Once the variable has declared with static then the variable value is single and never be dynamic
Once the method is declared with static the same method we can access using the class name anywhere. This is the simple majic about the static keyword in java.

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