What is the servlet?
Servlet is a script, which resides and executes on
server side, to create dynamic HTML. In servlet
programming we will use java language. A servlet can
handle multiple requests concurrently
What is the architechture of servlet package?
Servlet Interface is the central abstraction. All servlets implements this Servlet
Interface either direclty or indirectly
( may implement or extend Servlet
Interfaces sub classes or sub interfaces)
Generic Servlet
HttpServlet ( Class ) -- we will extend this class to
handle GET / PUT HTTP requests
What is the difference between HttpServlet
and GenericServlet?
A GenericServlet has a service() method to handle requests.
HttpServlet extends GenericServlet
added new methods
doTrace() methods
Both these classes are abstract.
What's the difference between servlets
and applets?
Servlets executes on Servers. Applets executes on
browser. Unlike applets, however, servlets have no
graphical user interface.
What are the uses of Servlets?
A servlet can handle multiple requests
concurrently, and can synchronize requests. Servlets
can forward requests to other servers and servlets.
Thus servlets can be used to balance load among
several servers.
When doGET() method will going to execute?
When we specified method='GET' in HTML
Example : < form name='SSS' method='GET'>
When doPOST() method will going to execute?
When we specified method='POST' in HTML
< form name='SSS' method='POST' >
What is the difference between Difference between doGet()
and doPost()?
GET Method : Using get method we can able
to pass 2K data from HTML
All data we are passing to Server will be displayed in URL (request string).
POST Method : In this method we does not have any size
All data passed to server will be hidden, User cannot
able to see this info
on the browser.
What is the servlet life cycle?
When first request came in for the servlet , Server will invoke
init() method of the servlet. There after if any user
request the servlet program, Server will directly
executes the service() method. When Server want to
remove the servlet from pool, then it will execute
the destroy() method
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